
Lily has been making multimedia, experimental animation from their shed in south London for the last 5 years. They animate and direct. If you would like to commission Lily to make an animation, please get in touch.

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  • Out Against Abuse

    Out Against Abuse

    Campaign film for Galop about domestic abuse in LGBTQI relationships.
  • Eyes


    ‘Eyes’ is a mix-media animation about moving though the world in a queer gender. It explores the tension between being looked at and being seen, and the simultaneous experience of invisibility and hyper-visibility. A collaboration with the young people of Project Indigo, an LGBTQ youth group based in Hackney.
  • Ken


    A young queer person describes their experience of existing in the world.

  • Hard times require furious dancing
  • For those in Peril on the Sea

    For those in Peril on the Sea

    A group of children are rehearsing for a performance of Noye’s Fludde. As Britten’s storm builds, it escapes the score and sweeps them out to sea away from their homes, families and everything they’ve ever known. Will they find safety on the other side? A project in collaboration with the English National Opera.

    Director: Lily Ash Sakula

    Animators: Orkey Chang, Jorge Aguilar Rojo, Lily Ash Sakula

    Assistant Animators: Lea Pietrzyk, Kostandina Shahaj, Monica Scanlan

    Music from Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde with kind permission of Decca Classics
  • How far I've Come

    How far I've Come

    ‘How Far I’ve Come’ is a short charcoal animation about a teenager struggling to move through the world, until he meets someone familiar and discovers that a future is possible. Comissioned by The Children’s Society to illustrate a recording from one of their young people.
  • Come with Me

    Come with Me

    A collaboration with young patients at Great Ormond Street Hospital to celebrate 75 years of the NHS
  • REST


    Collaboration with young parents from All Change and Quentin Blake Centre for illustration.
  • Drawing Our Future

    Drawing Our Future

    Drawing the Future, outcome of my Residency at Watts Gallery inspired by the Art & Action exhibition.

  • Do you sea what I sea?

    Do you sea what I sea?

    Made in collaboration with the LGBTQ+ families network at the National Maritime Museum. Soundtrack by The Mollusc Dimension.
  • Hello Weed

    Hello Weed

    A project in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society, Linden McMahon and a group of young people.
  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 09.35.33.png

    Save M&S

    Commission from Save Britain’s Heritage for Social Media gifs for their campaign to save the M&S building on Oxford Street.

  • If it's not a hell yes, then it's a conversation